It’s my Life

House of Smalls is an art space, created and co-ordinated by the far reaching fine artist Amy Oliver. It was conceived as a response to lock down, established galleries had been forced to close their doors to the public, a full return to normality not yet a reality within the creative sector. Opening in November 2020 it offers an affordable, female centric venue able to present digital exhibitions to a Global audience.

a single dolls house became a street of 3 galleries

What was initially a single dolls house became a street of 3 galleries. Since opening it has hosted 6 group shows with physical works from 145 countries from 18 countries. They are currently based in a small village in Wiltshire. 

It’s my Life is the 7th group show opening on Saturday the 29th of January 2022. 40 artists have submitted works around the theme of medication and self medication encompassing themes of dependence and addiction.

Flox presents a random outlay of fluoxetine tablets jotted onto the chemist’s prescription

Alison Little’ Flox is featured in the imminent Its my Life exhibition. A collection of art made on receipts from purchases made by Alison of the later stages of the pandemic. In this she had scribbled speedy depictions of the items purchased on their shop receipts. Flox presents a random outlay of fluoxetine tablets jotted onto the chemist’s prescription. Fluoxetine is a common antidepressant, its usage became widespread during the global health crisis.

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