Gettin’ the brasses cleaned up!

Stating clearly, by ‘Gettin’ the brasses cleaned up’ we don’t mean sending sex workers to rehab. Sorting out a ‘Tarnished knob’ doesn’t refer to a visit to speak to the professionals at the S.T.D clinic. We are discussing polishing up your household brasswares, the armoury which alines your front door. 

Tarnished knob

The Game Plan

The best mode is to strip off the brass collections, including the fixtures, fittings, bolts and screw plates. Prepare a bucket of boiling water, add a couple of tablespoons of citric acid and a splash of white wine vinegar. Citric acid is freely available in supermarkets, some chemists and home brew shops in particular. 

Couple of tablespoons of citric acid and a splash of white wine vinegar

Soak the brasses overnight, ensuring you don’t forget a shuffle around before beddie byes!

the frisky bit

Next, the frisky bit, remove any tarnishing, turquoise colourings, using wire wool. Wearing work gloves is advocated, not critical, but without PPE you are left with a multitude of miniature nicks on the hardy finger tips.

The application of trusty brasso, the next move, leave on for around an hour then buff-up vigorously with an age-old yellow duster. Black handed, re-attach the wares to the faithful front door.


Why tho?

So, Looking betterer than hers next door not floating your boat?

Visualise the smile of satisfaction which will take over your face and your life longs friend gleam at you exclaiming,‘I am humble no more!’ as you enter your home.

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